At Buckeye Fresh, we believe the greens people like to eat are fresh, healthy, and delicious. So we’ve dedicated ourselves to the art and the science of growing what people want. Our controlled indoor vertical growing facility in Medina, Ohio uses state of the art technology to raise the tastiest lettuce you’ve every put in your mouth. We use no pesticides, no herbicides, non-GMO seeds, and we use 98% less water than traditional farms in California and Arizona. And because our greens are grown indoors using a sophisticated LED lighting system, we can grow them and harvest five days a week, all year. And when you endure the frigid winters of Northeast Ohio, that’s saying something.
Because we’re local, that also means we’re not filling the nation’s highways with truckloads of lettuce that doesn’t reach your store shelves for weeks at a time. Our greens our harvested fresh and they stay fresh. And you can easily trace our produce from farm to table. When you’re a local business like we are, you care about the community and the quality of the food on everyone’s plates.
Fresh, local, tasty greens. We can’t think of anything better.
About Us
Our farm is clean, unaffected by weather, and we use 98% less water than traditional or organic farms. Our vertical hydroponic growing systems are engineered to provide plants with what they need to flourish and yield great tasting, high quality, nutritious vegetables.
Our Greens
Our produce is the best you can buy, grown in responsible and sustainable ways. Our farm is local, right in Medina, Ohio. We’re open and growing year-round, which means that you can always enjoy our pesticide-free, fresh, local lettuce whenever you want.

How Far has your food travelled?
Most organically grown produce grown out West and sold in the Midwest
travels an average of 1,500 miles before it reaches your table.
Consider this — our produce could be as fresh as 1 day from
harvest to your table. This is what's called a "no brainer."